
Sunday School
Sunday School is held from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. every Sunday from mid-September to mid-May.

Music Ministry
Vocal and instrumental musical offerings are often given by members of all ages. We have been blessed by numerous individuals.

Classes for our 6th, 7th & 8th graders and older youth that have not yet been confirmed will begin in Fall and run through late Spring.

Youth Activities
Each of these groups have adult sponsors who plan and chaperone various activities throughout the year.

Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. All women of Prince of Peace, who are confirmation age and older, are welcome.

Community Center
The Community Center at Prince of Peace is a multi-use facility that is used on a regular basis by the church and community alike.

Church Council
Please contact or stop into the church office to obtain copies of the church council meeting minutes.

Community Outreach
On the second Sunday of each month, Prince of Peace supports either a local or a national or international charity.

Journey To The Cross
You are invited to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church to walk with us back in time to the last human days of Jesus Christ.

Our Groups
Join a Community
Church is not only a crowd gathered around a stage, but a Community sharing life around a table.
One of the central ways we grow as disciples of Jesus is by having intentional relationships with people who share the same goal.
If you are interested in joining a community group please email us directly.