Community Outreach
Mission Outreach
On the second Sunday of each month, Prince of Peace supports either a local or a national or international charity. Through a “noisy offering,” people at worship contribute their loose change (paper is accepted as well).

2023 Charitable Contributions
God Works Soup Kitchen
Stacy’s Sparkles
ARC of Monroe County |
Oaks of Righteousness
Living Waters Ministries |
Gabby’s Ladder |
Holiday Camp
New Beginnings Mercy House
Madie’s Clovers Foundation
Postage for Troops
Now I lay Me to Sleep |
Ida “Give a Kid a Christmas” |
Prince of Peace Noisy Offering Recipients for 2023
God Works Soup Kitchen of Monroe, MI
Grace Centers of Hope of Pontiac, MI
The ARC of Monroe Country (adult retarded commission) |
Luther Home of Mercy/NW Ohio
Living Waters Ministries |
Gabby’s Ladder of Monroe (grief support organization fro families who have lost children) |
Holiday Camp of Monroe County (handicapped accessible summer camp) |
New Beginnings Mercy House of Ida, MI (ministry to unwed mothers & infants) |
Madie’s Clovers Foundation
Postage for packages to troops |
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (crib ministry of 1st Presbyterian Church of Monroe)
Give A Kid A Christmas, Ida High School |
I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of Mine, you did for Me.
Matthew 25:40b.