Sunday Services:
9:00 AM & LIVE via Facebook

Wednesday Services:
7:00 PM

Community Outreach

Mission Outreach

On the second Sunday of each month, Prince of Peace supports either a local or a national or international charity. Through a “noisy offering,” people at worship contribute their loose change (paper is accepted as well). 

Prince of Peace

2023 Charitable Contributions

God Works Soup Kitchen

Stacy’s Sparkles

ARC of Monroe County

Oaks of Righteousness

Living Waters Ministries
Gabby’s Ladder

Holiday Camp

New Beginnings Mercy House

Madie’s Clovers Foundation

Postage for Troops

Now I lay Me to Sleep
Ida “Give a Kid a Christmas”

Prince of Peace Noisy Offering Recipients for 2023

God Works Soup Kitchen of Monroe, MI

Grace Centers of Hope of Pontiac, MI

The ARC of Monroe Country (adult retarded commission)


Luther Home of Mercy/NW Ohio

Living Waters Ministries
Gabby’s Ladder of Monroe (grief support organization fro families who have lost children)
Holiday Camp of Monroe County (handicapped accessible summer camp)
New Beginnings Mercy House of Ida, MI (ministry to unwed mothers & infants)

Madie’s Clovers Foundation

Postage for packages to troops

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (crib ministry of 1st Presbyterian Church of Monroe)

Give A Kid A Christmas, Ida High School

I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of Mine, you did for Me.